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References   /  Hydrogen plant in eastern Germany

Hydrogen plant in eastern Germany

Location: East Germany

Services: Solution development / Feasibility studies

Industry Branch/Type of Plant: Green Energy

Client: Energy supply company/large municipal utility in eastern Germany (subject to NDA)

Activity period: 2024


The energy supplier is planning to build a 10-25 MWel hydrogen production plant at its site in eastern Germany. This will supply customers in the immediate vicinity and feed into the hydrogen backbone system.

Containerized electrolysis systems with a capacity of 18 MWel (approx. 320kg H2/h) are to used. The hydrogen produced will have a quality of >2.5. In addition to a commercial hydrogen production plant, a research facility is planned store the use of electricity from renewable energies and then convert it into hydrogen. 

The aim is to plan, assemble and commission an electrolysis plant with high availability and to achieve a specified hydrogen target price.

INP Services

  • Concept development AEL, PEM or SOEC for a 10-25 MWel hydrogen production plant
  • Determination of investment costs, operational key figures & target price
  • Variant evaluation
  • Connection to a potential heating network
  • Preliminary examination of eligibility for approval
  • Modeling of capex and opex costs
  • Modeling and sensitivity analysis of operating costs
  • Market exploration and evaluation for the location
  • Implementation support for a research project at the site
  • Preparation for the next stages of preliminary/design/approval planning

Points of contact

Michael Ohmer Leiter Energie- und WärmeVersorgung

Michael Ohmer

Head of Energy and Heat Supply

INP Deutschland GmbH

Werkstraße 5

67354 Römerberg


Tel. +49 6232 6869-0

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