Harald Knaus
Head of Electrical Engineering
INP Deutschland GmbH
Werkstraße 5
67354 Römerberg
Tel. +49 6232 6869-0

INP International Projects: We offer you more than 35 years of experience in global power plant, large-scale installation construction and the power industry, combined with the reliability of an owner-managed company.
INP offers you an interesting professional future with bright prospects. Now you can become part of our international team.
INP is your reliable partner in the fields of power generation, transmission and distribution, as well as green energy and construction and infrastructure.
We stand for the values of owner-managed SMEs: reliability, responsibility, quality and adherence to deadlines.
Professionalism and reliability are what our customers appreciate. And this has been so for over 30 years.
Location: Dillingen, Germany (Saarland)
System/Technology: ABB Melody / 800xA, HIMA H51q
Services: Commissioning, Project management, Site management, Documentation, As-built status and data recording, Pre-project planning and tendering, Basic-engineering and pre-engineering, Detail engineering, Installation supervision, Operations, Training
Industry Branch/Type of Plant: Power Generation, Power plants
Client: AE&E Inova
Project Size: EUR 2 m.
Ever stricter legal requirements for emission controls, coupled with increasing economic pressures, have boosted demand for innovative and sustainable solutions that will lower costs while at the same time enhancing efficiency. This is especially true in energy-intensive processes such as steel production. In addition to the economic advantages, it also makes sense from an ecological perspective to recover energy from blast furnace gases.
Considerable volumes of energy-yielding gases are produced in the process of steel production (coke gas, furnace gas). The aim is for the Dillingen gas-fired power plant to utilize the energy from these gases. Evonik (formerly STEAG Saar Energy AG), Rogesa, and the Dillinger smelting plant have commissioned AE&E Inova with of the task of constructing a turnkey furnace-gas-fired power plant. The task comprises of complete design of the automation system, of the operator and monitoring interface, and of the external system link. INP International Projects is also supplying the main control technology (ABB Melody / 800xA), boiler protection (HIMA) and the furnace control system. Once constructed, this gas-fired power plant will cover the mayority of the Dillingen smelting plant’s energy requirements.
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