Like last time, the event started on Thursday at lunchtime and ended on Friday. It was presented under the following title: “Decentralized Energy and Heat Supply - Real-Time Data Processing & Maintenance Concepts, Innovative Solutions for the Energy Transition”.
For our presentations, we were able to engage a total of 10 speakers from a wide variety of companies (including Mauell, BASF, Steinmüller) who spoke on topics from the fields of energy transition, network maintenance, energy storage and condensation heat.
The event was inaugurated by Knut Mertens and Jürgen Wilkening. As with previous themed days, Frank-Peter Kirschning – who is very familiar with the material after decades of working in the power plant sector – guided the audience through the program,
Since INP was able to welcome guests from all over Germany, the evening program also included some cultural aspects. Part of the Speyerer history was presented by the Speyer night watchman,
After conclusion of the themed days, INP once again received excellent feedback across the board, which shows that the event has established itself and is well worth the preparation efforts.