• On board for more than 15 years.

    INP is an innovative company:
    I feel good here and I can get things done!

    Ekkehard Kuhnle - Head of IT
  • Successful and growth-oriented

    More than 30 years of INP! We're proud of it.

    The Managing Directors
  • Bild von einem Arbeitsplatz

INP awarded as „Attraktiver Arbeitgeber Rheinland-Pfalz“ 2021

Medium-sized companies with attractive personnel policies are the main focus of the award

On Monday, November 29th, 2021, a total of eight companies were awarded as “Attraktiver Arbeitgeber Rheinland-Pfalz” 2021. The winners stand out for their contemporary and creative solutions regarding personnel policy and employee relations. As INP is one of these companies, Managing Director Georg Jester was there on behalf of INP to receive the award from Daniela Schmitt, Minister for Economics, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture in Rhineland-Palatinate. The award ceremony took place in a small, festive setting as a hybrid event in the foyer of the ”Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz” in Mainz

What makes an employer attractive?

In these times and in addition to hard facts such as salary, soft skills are usually the deciding factor for which employer we choose. Can I organize my working space and my working hours flexibly? Are career and family compatible? Employees use these and many other questions to evaluate whether they consider an employer to be modern and attractive.

The state Rhineland-Palatinate, the Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the Chambers of Crafts nominated 24 companies for the “Attraktiver Arbeitgeber Rheinland-Pfalz” award. The independent jury examines the companies’ concepts carefully in terms of future viability, innovative potential & creativity or motivation, ambition, and sustainability.

INP was honored to take home one of these coveted trophies. The award is a recognition for all INP employees, an appreciation for the creative input of everyone. We congratulate the other award winners, whose concepts have brought exciting impulses on the way to a new-work society and a hybrid work culture.

Media contact

Alix Hertel Leiterin Marketing & Kommunikation (Kopie 1)

Lisa Kaufmann

Marketing & Communication

INP Deutschland GmbH

Werkstrasse 5

67354 Roemerberg


Tel. +49 6232 6869-0